In the twilight zone of Ukraine
In the darkest darkness of Ukraine
In the depressed disaster of Ukraine
Where crisp morning light turned into blunt darkness
Where darkness rained like rain
A poor Ukraine mother cries
Where is my son?
Where is my daughter?
Where is my husband?
She wails, she weeps
For her family is no more
Ukraine mother in anguish
Like a Biafra mother
Like a Soweto mother
Your love cannot save the day
Your love cannot stop the bullets
Your love cannot stop starvation
Fire of the enemy vanquished on the green grass
Disaster of war has taken its toll
Demolition has came to stay or its staying?
“Life is a mess, life is dissolving” she cried
Clean pond of water has turned red
Full of the blood of our Children
Where the blood of patriots colored the water
Here comes cup of sorrow
Here comes cup of sadness
Here comes cup of calamity
Oh! Cup of disaster, when shall you depart!
Will olive branch germinate and peace prevails?
The bus left without us
The train left without passengers
Walking to a foreign land
Where the address is unknown
Where the face is different
Where loneliness dwells
And existence devalues survival
Refugee has become your name!
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