A video that has gone viral in the social media showing a newly constructed road along Ochanja market in Onitsha being washed away by rainfall has been called into question by the government of Governor Soludo of Anambra. A mild rainfall of barely an hour on Monday 25th of March 2024 was captured in a video washing away the newly constructed road. Reacting to the video, Engr Ifeanyi Okoma, Anambra State commissioner for Works claimed that the video has been edited and manipulated to distort the reality. He said, “The constructor worked on Sunday and they stopped on a little bridge and closed for the day. A few hours after he had worked, there was a heavy downpour and the bridge, which is less than one foot, a little bit got washed off.”
The contractor of the said road, Mark Tu said, “When we saw the pictures and videos, we were also very shocked. As to where we stopped the work, it was just maybe one foot that was affected. He claimed, “The road is still under construction and from today, we are still going to continue the work. We are happy that Anambra people are watching us well.” (SEE VIDEO BELOW)
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